This is a really interesting question, and in general the post shows critical thinking at its best in not simply celebrating the presence of these men. Indeed, Bald is vague. In most cases he does mean non-marital families, but non-consensual polygamy happened, and caused trouble, as we’ll see in our class on the West Coast Punjabis.
Orientalism and Gender
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From impersonation to contemporary racism
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How am I supposed to take Canadian politics seriously when Makenzie King is there?
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How Westerners Describe and Treat other Peoples
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prof khan lurking 👀
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Trying to understand our parents' immigration experience
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Melancholia across generations
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When ''looking Muslim'' becomes a crime
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Liminality and De-Islamicization
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Muslim Slaves in the Americas
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Orientalism and Enslavement
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Colonialist capitalism or capitalist colonialism
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Immigrant Shame and Indigenous Melancholy
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