Thank you for sharing such a thoughtful and reflective experience from your time in Dakar. It's clear that being in an enviroment where your race became more noticeable led to some deep personal reflection, and I truly appreciate how you've used that experience to consider your own identity and the privilege that comes with it.
Your awareness of how your witness was observed by others is such an important realization. As you noted. the attention you received wasn't malicious but more out of curiosity, and that difference is significant. It highlights the experience in majority-white spaces. George Yancy's idea in Look, a white- that making witness visible is a way to challenge norms, fits perfectly with your experience. It shows how being in different spaces can give us a new perspective on your own racial identity and the way it operates in society. I also found it meaningful how your reflection touched on James Bladwin's My Dungeon Shook. Baldwin takes about how black people are constantly aware of how they are seen by others, and while your experience in Dakar was different, it gave you a moment to reflect on that type of awareness. You've recognized the privilege of being able to navigate spaces without the same consequences, which is a really powerful insight.
Additionally, your mention of how this experience connects with the music of Charged's Snakecharmer and The Kominas 4 is such great point. In both cases, these artists challenge the way cultural identities are simplified or reduced to stereotypes, and your experience of being seen as different in Dakar reflect that dynamic in reverse.
I really appreciate how you've used this experience to reflect on your own privilege and what its means to be aware of racial dynamics in different spaces. It's through these kinds of reflections that we can all become more conscious of the role play in addressing inequality.