Thoughts on Abdulkarim and Habib
I really appreciated reading both memoirs, although of course very different they both provoked many thoughts and feelings to arise.
We have always been here: A Queer Mulsim Memoir by Samra Habib made me think a lot of my own curiosities of how I see relationships, how I understand love, and the way queerness navigates through both. Samra Habib uses beautiful language to convey these questions and I really enjoyed reading how she explored most of them on her different journeys in life. Her thoughts on renewing vows to oneself, inviting friends to share what their relationships mean, and questioning whether marriage is needed to validate love are profoundly beautiful and thought-provoking, a concept I have always questioned for myself. Habib’s understanding of friendship, “After all, chosen families are a cornerstone of queer culture, especially for those whose biological families don't accept them” reminded me of the Saathis, ever since I’ve been inspired by the realization that if people can find these forms of connection in this universe, then there is so much to live for, friendships being at the center of love. Habib creates a space where the meanings of queerness embrace the fluidity of the rejection of monogamous relationships which is something I profoundly appreciate. This perspective on queer love and friendships has brought me a deeper understanding of what it means to live outside of hetero- and homonormative frameworks. I can’t wait to read more of this beautiful memoir.
In Abdulkarim’s memoir, Angry, Queer Somali Boy: A Complicated Memoir. Reading these chapters right after Samra Habib’s work made the contrast between their narratives even more striking; you can really notice the difference in tensions, what they’re trying to convey, and how. I found incredibly impactful the way he wrote the memoir, and the rawness and unfiltered honesty in his writing - very real. His reflections on love, belonging, and survival make you question the structures we build around ourselves—be they familial, societal, or personal—and what happens when those structures are no longer reliable. I think I’m still processing everything I’ve read, which makes it hard to articulate my thoughts fully.