"Multiculturalism" VS. "Interculturalism"
I found the piece "Linguistic Rivalries" written by Sonia N. Das particularly interesting as it explores the linguistic dynamics in Quebec of the Sri Lankan and other racialised communities. One section which stood out to me in her piece was when she was describing the difference between the federal Canadian government's approach to so-called "multiculturalism" versus the Quebec government's use of so-called "interculturalism". As someone who immigrated to Canada in the last two years, I had always heard how "accepting" and "international" Canada was, one of the main talking points being that its government was the first in the world to adopt a policy of so-called "multiculturalism" projecting a global progressive and inclusive appearance. I was not aware that Quebec as a province had a different approach to immigration and used a so-called policy of "interculturalism" with the ultimate goal of getting immigrants to "integrate into the majority Quebecois culture". This highlights the still very openly hostile environment Quebec as a province is to immigrants whereas federal policy is still equally as problematic but less proactively and openly hostile in my opinion.