Latina/os Muslim community overtime
As Cook mentioned, accusers identified someone as a Morisco based on a range of attributes, including lineage, purity of blood, religiosity, and customary practices. These accusations often stemmed from fears of disloyalty and the belief that Moriscos could not fully assimilate into Catholic society, leading to their racialization and stigmatization. The varied reasons for denunciation highlighted the fluidity of identity and the competing conceptions of status that shaped social interactions and legal standing in the colonial context.
Ecclesiastical authorities in colonial Spanish America aimed to regulate indigenous religiosity by enforcing attendance at Mass, confession, and communion, which were seen as markers of Catholic devotion. They sought to catechize indigenous peoples through secular priests and religious orders, ensuring their participation in the Catholic faith. Additionally, authorities attempted to restrict emigration to individuals who could prove they were old Christians, reflecting their desire to maintain religious orthodoxy and control over indigenous beliefs and practices. The intense amount of repression and lack of religious freedom encountered by the Moriscos had a huge impact on the Moriscos. They were not able to publically practice Islam as the Catholic Church was forced upon them. Additionally, most of them were forced to seek exile since Spain completely outlawed Islam.
In the past, Spanish-speaking peoples like the Moriscos in Spain could not practice their religion freely. However, according to Bowen, years later there was the existence of the "Latino Muslim" community. The US Latina/o Muslim community has been developing since the 1920s, the community has been growing since then in population and organization. In the 1970s, Ibrahim Gonzalez helped form the Alianza Islamica ¨to address their unique cultural and social needs. He actively engaged in outreach efforts to promote awareness of Islamic history and its relevance to Latina/os and helped establish connections with other Muslim organizations.