Iconoclasm as a threat
Iconoclasm in Islam arises primarily from the religion's strict monotheism and the belief in the oneness of God. This is why much of Islamic art is calligraphy, and no pictorial representations of the prophet Muhammad exist. Early Islamic teachings aimed to reject idolatry, distinguishing Muslims from surrounding cultures that engaged in idol worship. This is all for the purpose of reflecting a commitment to maintaining pure worship focused solely on God.
Protestants are a branch of the Christian faith. Although they are Christian, the differed from the Catholics as they emerged much later, in the 16th century in response to perceived corruption and practices within the Catholic Church. They believed the Church had become too lavish, straying from its focus on faith, and also seemed greater independence from the
On the other hand, Catholics believe the use of sacred images and icons are actually a sign of devotion. Therefore their beliefs and iconoclasm are in direct clash. They see it as denying a party the worship. They also believe it may confuse followers and make the Church less united
Cook believes that Iconoclasm, especially in the New world, where there was much uncertainty and a whole population to convert to Catholicism was going to enhance a marker of separation and foster disloyalty to the nation (Cook, 94)
Therefore the issue of iconoclasm became not only religious, but also political.It is also curious that usually it is something that cause a problem, while here it is the lack of it (depictions/ pictures) that cause a problem.