Sense of identity
I can see why the movement of Moorish science can be seen as appropriating Islamic elements because the elements were used for their own needs. However, it was done with respect and appreciation for the elements or they would have not been so inspired by them. They incorporated elements of Islam, not to copy traditional Islamic practices, but as a way to build a religious system that validated Black existence and history. In this way, they adapted Islamic principles and elements to give context to their own identity and voice.
Due to the history of enslavement that went on for decades, a sense of loss of heritage for them required an extension of Islam that empowered them and purpose to their self-determination of being free to be who they are, away from being under the submission of white people.
Later leaders such as Elijah Muhammad and the Nation of Islam, whose ideas of racial segregation seemed more inflexible but still based on the idea of Black sovereignty, were influenced by Ali's racial beliefs that African Americans were descended from the Moors. Both movements had some political goals; in addition to encouraging spiritual development, they supported Black Americans' independence and segregation, which was viewed as a way to combat institutional oppression.