Promoting "happy" multiculturalism
According to Sarah Ahmed, multiculturalism is seen as a negative concept mainly amongst the white population. The reality is people tend to live near people of the same race as themselves and find comfort in that. Ahmed argues that Multiculturalism leads to instances of community conflict or violence between communities. This is because with its existence people tend to stick to their differences and avoid interacting with one another. To make multiculturalism a positive thing, it is possible to integrate different racial communities. The reading suggests sport as a way to avoid conflict among different communities.
Sports may not be the best way to integrate different racial communities. From personal experience Pakistan and India cricket matches are a good example of that. Although people from both countries generally would get along part of the large South Asian community. But when it came to the cricket matches both Indians and Pakistani fans would pick sides and divide. It was mainly the players of the Pakistani team who would miss a catch and be criticized and compared to the Indian team. Cricket is where the division between the countries is created. Although sports help bring together both countries it also divides in a way. Another example would be when black or brown players in France or England teams would be praised when they would perform well and make the team win. However, whenever these players would make a mistake or make the team lose they would experience a lot of racist comments, therefore fueling the divide between different racial groups. There are better ways to avoid conflicts between different racial groups, it's more important for them interact with one another and to understand and accept each other's differences to promote "happy" multiculturalism.