The Orient is not merely imaginative
The idea of the Orient/ Occident divide is based on power imbalance and imperialism. Said explains that the Orient is not a “free subject,” it was and is created in the West (3). The West restructured the region to assert its power over it, and in all types of representation of the Orient, the Occident always has the upper hand. It is the imperialism of Britain, France and, more recently, the Americans that created the Orient and its pretend inferiority.
The Orient is not merely imaginative because we can see the impact of Orientalism in the West. It is related to our discussion of race and class: being ‘colourblind’ is not a solution because racism is very real as well. Said explains that “The web of racism, cultural stereotypes, political imperialism, dehumanizing ideology holding in the Arab or the Muslim is very strong indeed (27).” He showcases the effects of Orientalism and racism. The Swet Shop Boys, in their song “Batalvi,” express their opinion on the matter. Riz MC says “Get on with Oxford certificates, Trying to stretch culture, Trapped in a silhouette.” He explains that he tried to escape the image of the Muslim terrorist created in the West. The word “trapped” highlights how difficult it is to escape this false image and how deeply rooted it is in Western societies. This example highlights the effect of Orientalism in the West.